Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Swine Flu - Protect Yourself

By Zsofia Christopher

The World Health Organization has declared it a pandemic and last heard Swine flu has hit India and Turkey. Caused by Influenza virus A subtype H1N1, it spreads when the virus gets airborne - through coughs and sneezes - and also by contact with infected persons and contaminated surfaces.

The symptoms of swine flu coincide with that of a normal flu: fever, coughs, lack of appetite, lethargy, and in some cases, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The H1N1 virus primarily causes infection in swine (hence the name) and spreads to humans coming in close contact with infected pigs - in pig barns, livestock exhibitions etc. It is just a myth that the disease is contracted through pork meat, as proper cooking (at 160°F or more) kills viruses.

The bad news, however, is that there is no known cure or vaccine against swine flu. All we can do is avoid catching the virus, and if infected, assist our body's immune system to deploy its weaponry and win the battle for us. A few precautions, especially if you are living in an area where incidence of Swine flu has been reported, could protect you from contracting the H1N1 virus:

1) Avoid contact with the infected 
You have already noticed how fast common cold can spread. Same applies here. So avoid being in close proximity with infected persons.

2) Be wary of surfaces 
When you bring your hand to your eye, nose or mouth, after touching a contaminated surface you are unwittingly allowing the virus entry into your body. Shaking hands, touching public surfaces as when traveling in community transport vehicles etc, can lead to catching the virus. Clean your hands often with warm water and soap.

3) Eat healthy 
The immune system is our greatest ally in fighting off the virus. So keep your body fit with a diet rich in immunity boosters like whole grains, colorful vegetables and vitamin-rich fruits. Avoid food loaded with sugar and fat. They slow down the body's metabolism and compromise its immune system. You can even take advantage of the antibiotic and antioxidant qualities of ginger and garlic by including them in your diet.

4) Sleep well 
Good rest will keep your body primed for the fight against viruses.

5) Drink enough water 
Drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water a day will keep the body sufficiently hydrated.

6) Avoid alcohol 
Now is not the time for that impulsive binge. Alcoholic beverages are known to suppress immune system.

7) Stay active physically 
Increased blood circulation and oxygenation while exercising, backs the immune system. It also aids in flushing out toxins and is a proven stress-buster.

8) Stay stress-free 
The contagion may present a formidable picture to you. But don't fret too much over it. It will only weaken your body and place it more at risk of a virus attack.

However, in spite of painstaking precautions if you still contract the virus, there is some good news. Scientists are of the consensus that the H1N1 infection is a rather mild one, one that can be managed with proper care. Here is what you can do if you develop severe flu-like symptoms.

a) Don't Panic 
Every flu is not a swine flu. But if the indications seem rather severe than usual, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. Ask him to get yourself tested for swine flu virus.

b) Take the right medication 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses. Let your doctor prescribe the one that is appropriate for you.

c) Nurture your health 
Good sleep, drinking lots of fluids, a healthy diet and physical activity will keep your body robust in spite of the onslaught of the virus.

d) Don't spread the virus 
You can stop yourself from transmitting the virus to others: when you are sick, stay at home. Cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing etc.

Counter measures have been launched worldwide against the threat of swine flu. Hopefully, with the right measures, it would soon be under control. Meanwhile, let us protect ourselves and others from its incursions.
Zsofia Christopher

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